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did you know?

  • The first principal at the new high school in Marshfield, OR died at the Battle of the Somme in 1914?  His service is memorialized on permanent plaques at the French national monument and at his collegiate alma mater Stanford's Memorial Quadrangle.  We want to honor him as a Pirate.


  • 16,000,000 Americans served in the armed forces during World War II.  One attended Marshfield elementary schools before becoming a B-25 pilot and participating in one of the most inspiring and audacious missions in American military history - the Doolittle Raid on Japan in 1942.


  • A distinctive Air Force officer taught Junior ROTC at Marshfield.  His career began aboard the USS San Francisco when it was attacked at berth in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  It continued as a fighter pilot during the Korean War and culminated as an AC-47 gunship pilot in Vietnam.  While at Marshfield, Boyd Williamson inspired a generation of young people and taught many to fly.


  • Twelve Marshfield alumni died in service during the Vietnam War?  Another commanded a Marine rifle platoon during the bloody battle for Hue and wrote a book about his childhood in Coos Bay and service as a Marine.


  • The stadium's namesake, Pete Susick earned a purple heart as a Marine lieutenant in World War II?  The track's namesake, Steve Prefontaine, is the son of a US Army veteran who married his German mother while serving in Berlin?


  • World War II vets built or expanded and passed on local businesses to their children who graduated from Marshfield?  Men like Len Farr, Bill Huggins, and Jack Schneiderman not only expanded the local economy but served as presidents of service clubs, school boards, and as philanthropic board members.


  • Veterans of the Baby Boomer generation continued this trend?   US Army veterans Lou Leberti, Wally Hazen, Jerry Worthen and MJ Golder built vibrant local businesses and gave back to the community as boosters, school board members and coaches. 


  • Not to be outdone, alumni of Generation X and The Millenials volunteered to serve?  Men like Randy Hoffine and Chad Scriven continued the finest traditions of America's citizen-soldiers, deploying to Southwest Asian battlefields as Reservists and Guardsmen.  Like their fathers, they've returned to the area and are building their own legacies as successful business owners, teachers and coaches.


  • Recent graduates are serving currently as Army Rangers, Navy SEALS, Air Force and Navy fighter pilots and Marine riflemen?

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